Radiant Balance Books

Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for New Paradigm Parenting
In Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook to New Paradigm Parenting, mother and Work That Reconnects facilitator, Jo delAmor, provides a profound source of support for your parenting journey, inviting you to embrace parenting as a powerful form of activism that can contribute to the Great Turning and the healing of our world.

"This book is a prayer, not a prescription. A sitting-with, a yearning-alongside. A glimpse of the possible. And it begins - as Jo imagines it does - right in the swirling mass of space that exists between us and the children the world has gifted itself through us."
Bayo Akomolafe, Ph.D. Author of These Wilds Beyond our Fences: Letters to My Daughter on Humanity's Search for Home
"Jo delAmor helps us truly visualize the journey we are on - one that requires letting go, the unlocking of our feelings and our emotions. By opening ourselves up, we can respond with creativity and with the courage required. Jo helps guide us to find our unique path where we can claim agency, hone our abilities, and build hope. As we find our path, we can help our children find theirs - ones that are personal, intuitive, and informed. This is an important book for our times."
Harriet Shugarman
Author of How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change: Turning Angst Into Action
"Jo delAmor offers an inspiring and practical vision of parenting as a form of activism, as a powerful way to seed a new Thriving Life paradigm into our world in deep crisis and travail, as well as simple and age-appropriate practices for both parents and children to support this ongoing process."
Molly Brown, M.A., M.Div
Co-author with Joanna Macy, of Coming Back to Life